Pamela Fong focuses on college and career readiness, K14 pathways, and postsecondary program improvement. She analyzes complex research and communicates information by developing accessible, concise, and evidence-based resources to inform decision making and implementation of practices in K12 and postsecondary education. Pamela’s recent work involves statewide, intersegmental workforce initiatives aimed at improving student access to college and increasing social mobility, within which she develops public-facing publications and internal materials for the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office and a regional community college consortium. Additionally, Pamela applies her research and communication skills to report on a breadth of high-leverage topics stemming from the REL West research-practice partnerships for the Institute of Educational Sciences. Previously, Pamela taught literature and writing to students in high school and college and literacy instruction to pre-service secondary teachers, as well as developed professional learning for teachers in K14. Throughout her career as an education researcher and as a teacher, Pamela has always placed advancing equity at the center of her work. Pamela earned a B.A. in English and a teaching credential from San Francisco State University and a M.A. in Education of Language, Literacy, and Culture from University of California, Berkeley.